Dead Sea Bath Salts

The Dead Sea is a land-locked lake located in the Middle East, bordering Jordan from the West and Palestine and Israel from the East. It is also one of the world’s true natural wonders and a unique tourism destination. The river Jordan, said to be where John the Baptist baptized Jesus, is the primary source which feeds into the Dead Sea. Water flows into but never out of the Dead Sea because it is situated 417 m below sea level, the lowest point on the Earth’s surface. Water, however, evaporates off the Dead Sea at a very high rate, which leaves salt deposits on the shores.
The Dead Sea is recognized as a self-contained environment with its own micro-climate. It is the most saline and most mineral-laden body of water in the world with salinity approaching 33% compared to 3% in sea water. Further, while sodium chloride (NaCl) accounts for approximately 80% of the salt content of normal sea water, NaCl comprises only 3% in Dead Sea water. The remaining mineral balance in Dead Sea water consists of magnesium chloride, potassium chloride, calcium chloride, bromides and other trace minerals. The sea is called “dead” due to its high salinity as no fish or macroscopic aquatic organisms can survive in its waters.
The Dead Sea is considered to be the largest “Natural Spa” in the world. It is a tourist magnet and attracts tens of thousands of vacationers a year who seek relaxation and healing. Boasting a climate of year-round sunny skies and dry air with low pollution, the Dead Sea area has become a major center for health research and treatment. The mineral content of the waters, the very low content of pollens and other allergens in the atmosphere, the reduced ultraviolet component of solar radiation, and the higher atmospheric pressure at this great depth each yield very specific health effects.
The waters of the Dead Sea have been known throughout history for their healing and therapeutic properties. Two thousand years ago, the Roman Historian Flavius wrote: “The Dead Sea cannot be praised too highly… travelers take this salt home because it heals the human body and is therefore used in many medicines.” Herod the Great considered the Dead Sea to be one of the world’s first health resorts. According to the book of Samuel, King Solomon presented the Queen of Sheba with Dead Sea salts upon her visit to the Holy Land. Cleopatra, once considered among the most beautiful women in the world, went to great expense to obtain the exclusive rights to the Dead Sea area and received the title to the entire region by Mark Anthony after he conquered it. At her command, pharmaceutical and cosmetic factories were built near the Dead Sea. The practices of Dead Sea salt therapies were at one time available only to the privileged few who could afford high-end spas and expensive skin clinics. Today, what was once considered the lifestyle of the rich and famous is available to you in your own home at a fraction of the cost.