I was thrilled to see The Healing Bath at the Christmas Show in Mississauga today! Having the opportunity to pick up bath salts as a Christmas gift was a welcome opportunity!
I also wanted to let you know about your Wellness Gel… I suffered through the entire summer with an itchy rash that spread all over the backs of my legs up to my torso. Repeated refills of prescription lotions were not producing lasting or comforting results. When a major flare-up occurred and the rash began to spread to the front of my legs, I knew I needed to consider using something else. I remembered that I had a lip gloss size pot of Wellness Gel that I’d picked up long ago. I applied the gel and promptly felt relief! It was truly amazing – I almost couldn’t believe it. The gel wasn’t greasy, it allowed my skin to breathe and it was soothing and comforting. Needless to say, the relief prompted me to buy more gel.
The cost of a large tube of Wellness Gel represented a fraction of what I have spent on the many prescription refills that did not yield comforting and progressive results! The Wellness Gel has made such a difference in such a short time. It is wonderful!!